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Inclusion Quality Mark & Centre of Excellence
Vaughan Primary School holds the Inclusion Quality Mark and recognition as a Centre of Excellence for Inclusion.
This was a rigorous process which involved the assessor gathering a range of evidence from different sources, including staff, governors, children and parents speaking to the assessor and demonstrating the inclusive nature of Vaughan Primary School.
This accolade was awarded by “Inclusion Quality Mark”, a body which recognises schools who demonstrate outstanding inclusion , promoting equal opportunities for all pupils, whatever their age, gender, ethnicity, attainment and background. The award demonstrates that at Vaughan Primary School, every child, parent/carer, member of staff and all our partners are working to support each other and ensure that everyone can reach and exceed their potential. It also celebrates the work we do in the community and recognises that we have to work together in order to achieve success.
Becoming a Centre of Excellence is an opportunity for schools to build on the success of being one of the very special schools which holds the Inclusion Quality Mark award. A Centre of Excellence brings schools together to share and build on their existing good practice in inclusion best practice.
Below are some quotes from the assessor:
‘Behaviour around the school is exemplary. When OFSTED visited they deemed the behaviour of pupils as outstanding, ‘Pupils are very polite, friendly and courteous. Their conduct in class and around the school is exceptional. They are highly respectful to each other, staff and visitors. Pupils from all backgrounds get on extremely well with each other.’
‘There are many opportunities for the children to become involved in decision making in the school. They are on teams such as Sports Leaders, travel Ambassadors and School Council. The ambassadors and leaders take pride in their roles. The Helping Hands Learning Council meet regularly and are keen for the playground to be zoned’.
‘Learning is fun according to the children at Vaughan. Teachers have fun and are entertaining, we are enthusiastic and it makes us want to do our best.’
‘Parents of children with additional needs feel very well supported and understood. The parents seen today couldn’t praise the school enough and in particular the inclusion team. One parent who successfully appealed for a place at Vaughan said she knew her child would be happy and safe at Vaughan and was now thriving. Another parent said her experiences at Vaughan had been nothing but positive. She described how staff ‘made time for me, provided exceptional support’ and were ‘proactive, they don’t wait for things to happen.’ Another parent was appreciative of the difference attending the Sanctuary had made to her child who was now thriving’.
'Safeguarding practice is effective. When OFSTED visited they found that Safeguarding takes a very high priority. Staff ensure that pupils are kept safe. Pupils said that they feel safe and well cared for in school.’
The assessor concluded:
‘I am of the opinion that the school fully meets the standard required by the Inclusion Quality Mark. There are only minor areas requiring development and the school is aware of these. I recommend that the school be awarded the Mark and be reassessed in 3 years’ time. I also recommend that the school should consider applying for Centre of Excellence status subject to the inclusion within its plans of the appropriate areas for development and the completion of the Centre of Excellence documentation. If the school chooses to pursue this status and it were to be awarded the school would be subject to annual review from this point forwards’.