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May Half Term Holiday Camp

Looking for holiday activities during May half term?

Super Star Sports will be holding a May Half Term Holiday camp will be taking place in Vaughan Primary School, The Gardens, Harrow, HA1 4EL. 

The camps will be running on the following dates: Monday 27th May - Friday 31st May 

​The camp will be running from 09:00-15:00 each day to provide children with plenty of time to experience all we have to offer at our Holiday Activity Camp.

This camp is suitable for every child aged 5-12 for our limited paid places. ​Book on now to avoid disappointment! Please see camp schedules for more information.

To book your place onto our Vaughan Primary Holiday Camp, please use the following link that will direct you onto our booking page where you can sign your child up!

​If you have any questions or are struggling to book your child on, please call Superstar Sports directly on 01895 204 885 and they will assist you with your booking.