- Ice Cream Sale - 8th June after school
- Vaughan Summer Fair - Vaughan-fest - Saturday 2nd July 11am - 2pm
Vaughan Summer Fair
Move over Glastonbury, there is a brand new festival that everyone wants a ticket to - VAUGHAN-FEST! This year we want to celebrate our amazing school & local community with singers, dancers, raffles, tombolas and more in our own summer festival! Please come along, bring your friends and have fun.
We appreciate everyone's help in making this a brilliant event. Below is all the information you need to know over the coming weeks but do look out for posters, emails and texts with reminders and further information.
Raffle Tickets will be sent home on Friday 27th May.
Donations for the various tombolas and stalls will be collected on Friday mornings after half term by the main gates. Letters will be sent out a week before as a reminder but here is everything:
- Jolly Jar Tombola - Friday 10th June
- Vaughan School Jumpers - any Friday from 10th June
- Teddies (washed) & Books - Friday 17th June
- Chocolates & Bottles Tombola - Friday 24th June
- Crisps & Cake stall - Friday 1st July
Tokens will be used instead of cash as far as possible on the day and these can be purchased in advance along with tickets from Monday 6th June at from pta-events at a special discount.
Volunteers make the fair happen, running every stall and activity and the more people who help the better. This year you will be able to sign up for a 1 hour slot on pta-events ( from 6th June. It is a lot of fun and we encourage all of you to get involved.
We know this is a lot to ask of you all, but we can’t run the day without your generous help - it is so appreciated, and we hope the children all have a wonderful day!
Raise Money While You Shop!
You can support Friends of Vaughan without spending a penny extra by shopping through Easyfundraising or Amazon Smile.
Sign up to (or download the app) and use the links provided whenever you shop online with John Lewis, M&S, Ebay and more.
Please use Amazon Smile whenever you buy from Amazon and select Vaughan School PTA as your charity. You can set this up on the app so you don’t need to remember each time.
Regular Giving
As with all charities, you can choose to support us through regular donations which are all eligible for Gift Aid. If you, or a member of your community would like to do this then please contact our treasurer who can advise on the best way at
Thank You!
Finally, a big thank you to all of you for your support so far this year particularly the amazing team who are working tirelessly behind the scenes to organise the summer fair this year.
Keep in touch:
- Facebook group:
- Email: