VAUGHAN - FEST - Saturday 2nd July
MASSIVE THANK YOU to Sam, Lucy, Sonal, Praj, Rekha, Lia, Jen, Gayle, Seet, Jackie, Zen and those I have inevitably forgotten for their unbelievable efforts helping to get everything ready for the Vaughan Summer Fair this Saturday 2nd July, 11am - 2pm.
And thank you to everyone else who has donated, bought tickets or signed up to volunteer to help on the day. We are really excited and hope it will be a brilliant event after two years off!
It is not too late to volunteer so if you can spare just an hour on the day it would be greatly appreciate - take a look at
We have our final donation collection on Friday 1st where we are just asking for Crisps as the school has kindly donated cakes.
A reminder that the event will be cash free so please remember to bring along any pre-bought tokens or visit one of the token sale points on the day where we will be accepting cash or card.
Entrance and exit to the school on the day will be through the main red gates and as usual there is no smoking policy, including vapes, throughout the day.
Look forward to seeing lots of you on Saturday and keep your fingers crossed for the sunshine!
Raise Money While You Shop!
You can support Friends of Vaughan without spending a penny extra by shopping through Easyfundraising or Amazon Smile.
Sign up to (or download the app) and use the links provided whenever you shop online with John Lewis, M&S, Ebay and more.
Please use Amazon Smile whenever you buy from Amazon and select Vaughan School PTA as your charity. You can set this up on the app so you don’t need to remember each time.
Regular Giving
As with all charities, you can choose to support us through regular donations which are all eligible for Gift Aid. If you, or a member of your community would like to do this then please contact our treasurer who can advise on the best way at
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