Thank you to everyone who came and enjoyed the Summer Fair - it was amazing to see you all there and we hope everyone had a brilliant time. Special thanks goes to our volunteers - we couldn’t have done it without you!
Fundraising Events
We have had a brilliant year of fundraising where we have been able to bring back some amazing events from the school disco, to Santa’s grotto, to our summer fair Vaughan-fest.
Thank you to everyone who has helped organise and support these events and raise over £10,000 this year. The money will all go to initiatives that support our children’s learning and development and we will be agreeing on new priorities at our AGM in October.
Donations to the school
We have donated £1,000 to the school to buy new books to go in the refurbished library.
We have given £1,500 to buy leaving hoodies for all of the year 6 children..
Friends of Vaughan Committee
Our brilliant committee has worked hard to organise all of the wonderful events this year but a number of us, including the chair, are stepping down in October and so for FoV to continue we need new parents to step in.
The current committee are all working parents and would be happy to talk to you about what their role involves and how much time it takes. We have yet to have a Dad on the committee and I would love to see that change.
There are 5 committee roles you could consider putting yourself up for:
Chair - To make all committee members & parents feel welcome and valued; to set the PTA agenda; to provide leadership; to co-write the annual PTA report.
Needs to be: Enthusiastic, calm, good at listening, decisive.
Vice Chair - To step in for the Chair when the Chair is absent; to work with the Chair to see the PTA runs smoothly and communicates well.
Needs to be: Supportive, enthusiastic, energetic, organised.
Treasurer - To oversee the PTA’s financial affairs, to manage accounts; do banking and maintain up-to-date financial records.
Needs to be: Reliable, organised, good with numbers.
Secretary - To organise PTA meetings; to prepare and distribute agendas and minutes; to build strong relationships with key school staff – including the office staff and caretakers.
Needs to be: Organised, good at time management and friendly.
Comms Lead - To publicise PTA events and activities. To get to know as many parents as possible; to promote and communicate what’s going on; to enthuse other parents about what’s going on.
Needs to be: Friendly, creative, good at writing.
Please drop us a note at if you want to know more.
Raise Money While You Shop!
You can support Friends of Vaughan without spending a penny extra by shopping through
Easyfundraising or Amazon Smile.
Sign up to (or download the app) and use the links provided whenever you shop online with John Lewis, M&S, Ebay and more.
Please use Amazon Smile whenever you buy from Amazon and select Vaughan School PTA as your charity. You can set this up on the app so you don’t need to remember each time.
Regular Giving
As with all charities, you can choose to support us through regular donations which are all eligible for Gift Aid. If you, or a member of your community would like to do this then please contact our treasurer who can advise on the best way at
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