Hope you all enjoyed the summer break and your children are now settled back into school.
Last year saw the return of the Christmas Grotto, School Disco and Summer Fair, and thanks to your generosity we raised over £11k to support school initiatives from restocking the library to giving leavers hoodies to all year 6 children.
All parents are automatically members of Friends of Vaughan, and as we start to prepare for a fun year of events and activities there are a few ways to help and get involved.
Join the committee
There are a number of people who will be moving on from the committee this year, including myself as Chair, so we are looking for new parents to get involved. See an overview of all roles below and feel free to get in touch if you would like to find out a bit more.
Raise Money While you Shop
You can support Friends of Vaughan without spending a penny extra by shopping through easyfundraising at and Amazon Smile at or on the app, just select Vaughan School PTA as your charity.
Come to our AGM on 14th October
We have our AGM scheduled for the 14th October at 2pm in the small school hall where we will be reporting on the previous year, voting in the new committee and discussing fundraising priorities for the year. You are all welcome to join and share your ideas, find out more and meet other parents.
We have half termly meetings which everyone is welcome to attend where we discuss upcoming events and coordinate with the school - come along, help out and meet new people.
If you have any other questions, ideas, comments please don’t hesitate to drop us an email at and join our Facebook group
Many thanks
Becca Braithwaite
Chair of the PTA and Mum of Eliza (yr 4) and Oliver (yr 2)
Committee Roles and Responsibilities
If you are interested in joining the committee, take a look at a summary of each role and drop us an email if you would like to find out more.
Main duty: To have the final say on PTA decisions.
Key jobs: To make all committee members & parents feel welcome and valued; to set the PTA agenda; to provide leadership; to co-write the annual PTA report.
Needs to be: Enthusiastic; calm; good at listening; decisive.
Main duty: To support the work of the PTA Chair.
Key jobs: To step in for the Chair when the Chair is absent; to work with the Chair to see the PTA runs smoothly and communicates well.
Needs to be: Supportive; enthusiastic; energetic; organised.
Main duty: To oversee the PTA’s financial affairs.
Key jobs: To manage accounts; do banking and maintain up-to-date financial records.
Needs to be: Reliable; organised; good with numbers.
Main duty: To keep up-to-date records of PTA activity.
Key jobs: To organise PTA meetings; to prepare and distribute agendas and minutes; to build strong relationships with key school staff – including the office staff and caretakers.
Needs to be: Organised; good at time management and friendly.
Main duty: To publicise PTA events and activities.
Key jobs: To get to know as many parents as possible; to promote and communicate what’s going on; to enthuse other parents about what’s going on.
Needs to be: Friendly; creative; good at writing.
In addition to these roles, we are always looking for parents on an ad hoc basis to help lead specific initiatives such as the summer fair, disco, bake sales etc.
Keep in touch: