Welcome back to all of our children & families, we hope you had a lovely half term!
Thank you to everyone who attended our AGM on 14th October.
We said a heartfelt thank you to Becca who is stepping down as Chair after her hard work over the last two years. Along with Becca we said goodbye to Lucy who has been in our Vice-Chair position for the last two years. Finally, whilst they will still continue to be part of the committee a big thanks to Praj (Secretary) & Sam (Communications Lead) for their dedication to their roles.
Please meet your new committee:
Himani Bailey, Lead Chair
I have a son in Year 4 and a daughter in Year 2.
I currently work in Leadership development & behavioural change.
I am keen to support our school where we can & look forward to meeting you!
Rekha Aggarwal, Co-Chair
I have a daughter in Year 1 and have been volunteering with the Friends of Vaughan for the past year.
Looking forward to planning some more super exciting events this year and meeting you all!
Aveen Zangana, Vice Chair
I am Aveen, mum of Luna in Year 2.
I am a Software Engineer at Elsevier and I enjoy baking.
Sonal Patel, Co-Treasurer
I have two boys, one in Year 2 and one in Reception.
I currently work in Corporation Tax, and in my spare time I travel, meet friends and clean muddy football boots!
Jackie Talaber, Co-Treasurer
I am Jackie, mum of Liam in Year 5.
I am a Finance Assistant working part-time for the Royal College of Ophthalmologists.
We have a ginger cat called Ronnie.
Lizzie, Secretary
I’m Lizzie O’Connor, mum of Finn in Year 1.
I am a nurse and we have a dog called Pickle!
Autumn Term | Upcoming Events
Bake Sale – Friday 18th November
To celebrate a variety of upcoming calendar events we will be running a Bake Sale. If you are able to bake or help out with the sale, please let us know. We will be in touch regarding ingredients & allergen food labelling.
Christmas Cards – November
We are in the process of confirming dates with our supplier for the much-awaited Christmas Cards orders. The forms will be making their way to the classrooms very soon!
Santa’s Grotto – December (Dates TBC)
We are excited to have Father Christmas visit again this year - watch this space for further details.
Save the Date: Friday 4th November – Next FoV meeting in the small hall
(2.00 pm - 3.00 pm)
Every parent at Vaughan is automatically a member of Friends of Vauthan (FoV). We have half-termly meetings which everyone is welcome to attend where we discuss upcoming events and coordinate with the school. As a result, we are always looking for parents on an ad hoc basis to help lead specific initiatives such as the bake sales, disco, summer fair etc.
If you can support FoV in anyway, please get in touch.
If you have any other questions, ideas, comments please don’t hesitate to drop us an email at and join our Facebook group
Himani Bailey & Rekha Aggarwal
Lead Chair & Co Chair, Friends of Vaughan